When I'm free, I create playful narratives with graphics and videos. Youtube Icon Created with Sketch. Behance Icon Created with Sketch.
BE-IMAGINITIVE! POSTERillustration Inspired by Marion Deuchars’ finger print art, a poster designed to assist preschool children to explore the world of imagination. I hand-crafted each mythical creature with fingerprints and drawings.
DREAM//PLACE - ICELANDweb design A post-modern web design that explores the contrasting visuals of my dream place to travel, Iceland. Is it a dream or a place? Is it practical or subliminally imaginative?
RETROGADEshort film A one-minute, one-shot short film about a man meeting an unexpected acquaintance on his way home.
FLOAT!animation A character movement animation study for a side-project, a Kinected-based breathing training game, with my colleague in LongGood Rehabilitation System.
BINARYshort film An experimental short regarding the consequence of living a modern lifestyle.
FOODLY: INFO-VISUALIZATIONcreative direction To understand my diet, I recorded and visualized my consumption of meat, fruits, and vegetables for a week with a physical typography collage created from actual food.
UMSI BADGE SYSTEMbranding University of Michigan - School of Information is pushing a learning reward badge system that contains multiple abstract concepts. I decided to create my sample for the badge system with an equally abstract approach.